Sunday, March 17, 2013

LOVE it; Checkout 51

Today's review, is again, a bit different because it's not a product per say... it's an app!
As much as I love shopping for high quality goods of any type what I like even more is getting a great deal on them! - Enter Checkout 51.
Photo Credit: Checkout 51

What is it?

It's a free [!!!] smartphone app that let's you claim virtual coupons after you have shopped at any store.

How does it work?

You check the deals for your week and find the ones you like - every Thursday new coupons are posted and they last until the following Wednesday [however there is only a certain quantity for some deals so they might not be available all week]  

You proceed with your usual business of grocery shopping wherever you like.

Once you get home you take a picture of your receipt(s) and claim each offer you'd like to redeem.

Within 48 hours your offer will have been reviewed and a credit for x amount of money is placed on your account.  Once you have reached a minimum of $20 in redemption a cheque is mailed to you.

That's it! Easy peasy!  BUT, the best part is the variety of awesome products that are offered and the amount you receive back for them.  For example, this week, I redeemed: $2 off an old el paso dinner kit (got it on sale making it only $1.00!!!), $1.50 off Oikos greek yogurt and $.50 unico canned tomatoes (also on sale for $1 making the can only $.50!).  As you can see they are totally common use products with a great cash-back.  Another great and reasuring part? The app is actually legit and secure! It was developed by the son of the owner of Postmedia who already has numerous businesses under his belt. 

Ok, that's it for now! Let me know if you try the app and if you like it.  If you have any questions leave me a comment or email me.



  1. Downloading it now!!!!!!!!

  2. Love this idea - but sadly I cant seem to find it on Android...?!
    - PH

  3. @Anonymous, the app isn't quite ready for Google Play yet but if you visit the Checkout 51 website you can sign up to be notified of an anndroid release. The annicipated release date is this spring! :)

    Hope that helps,

